Product Exchange Policy:


We strongly believe in the products we offer. Their quality and results are the main factors that determine their introduction to Salon 01. To extend our Salon 01 care, we like to make sure each product we recommend fits best for our clients’ lifestyle, look and needs. Our product exchange (no returns or refunds) policy provides 30 days (no executions), from day of purchase, to bring product back and exchange for another item (not for services). 




Clothing or boutique items can also be exchange within 30 days of purchase, no exceptions. All product exchange must:




-Be accompanied by receipt of purchase.




-Have original tags attached. Clothing cannot be worn or washed.




-Not be previously worn, stained or washed as it will be not be eligible for exchange. Items damaged after purchase cannot be returned or exchanged.




-Due to state sanitary regulations, we are unable to accept any brushes (makeup/hair) or opened makeup items for return or exchange.




Due to tight regulations from our venders and strict policies, we cannot accept any item that does not meet these regulations. Unfortunately, we cannot take any items back beyond the 30 days as we have already extended the time frame allotted by our venders.